Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This kind of crap passes as journalism

I am just so sick of lefties and liberals whining about the "tea party" -- itself a loose coalition of Americans who just want a smaller government and more say about how their taxes are spent. To many Tea Party folk, the present is very similar to the past .,. when Americans went to war about taxation without representation. They feel Washington and the power elites of both parties are so disconnected from where they are as citizens, that they might as well be sending their tax checks to Beijing.

Sound outrageous? Look at the following from CNN that parades as "news" or in this case "opinion" which readers are encouraged to accept at truth:

(CNN) -- We have become victims of the Tyranny of 87. This is not a reference to the years immediately preceding the French Revolution of 1789. I am referring to July 2011 in the United States of America, the greatest democracy in the world. Or so I thought.

The Tyranny of 87 is the bizarre, surreal, but all too real situation we are in right now in the midst of perhaps the most significant and economically turbulent issue that has been before Congress in decades: the raising of the debt ceiling.

The tyranny is coming from the 87 members of Congress from the tea party caucus, whose selfish and irresponsible demands during the debt ceiling negotiations may very well mean either outright default or what could be even worse and too late to avoid -- the downgrade of the country's gold standard AAA credit rating. What is worse, these 87 little tyrants have no clear understanding of the fallout of either scenario.

Maria Cardona is a Democratic strategist, a principal at the Dewey Square Group, a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton, and former communications director to the Democratic National Committee. 

 I wish to take issue with Ms. Cardona.  By what measure does she think that she can state that the "87" have "no clear understanding of the fallout of either scenario[?]" Just who made her the judge and jury on this such that CNN should have this so prominently displayed?  Part of this is a continuing assault by the left on the "Tea Party" as a conspiracy of the ignorant -- only Liberals truly understand economics.

But her statements are also factually inaccurate -- and part of Comrade Obama's on-going scare tactics. Let's get this straight: The U.S. is not about to default. OK? Got it? That is because the U.S. has revenue and money -- it is just that the Treasury (controlled by Comrade Obama) chooses to spend it according to its political will. We have the money to pay our debt obligations -- and can continue to do so almost indefinitely, provided our country does not simply roll over and die. What Comrade Obama cannot do, is to spend in all the ways he wants to. Tough on Comrade Barry. Tough on the millions of welfare mooches and government bureaucrats dreaming up new ways to regulate us -- and justify their jobs.

Is that good? Probably not -- the distribution of the enforced spending cuts will/would likely favor Comrade Barry's constituents -- and we KNOW for certain that no jobs will be produced from that quarter. So GDP shrinks.  Instead, the cuts should probably come from useless bureaucracy and spending on those whom we have no obligation legal or moral to support anyway.  And THAT is the way the Tea Party sees it.

So as to tyranny ... excuse me, Mrs. Hugo Chavez ... I mean Cardona ... these "87" were ELECTED by the American people. These people are unknowns, not part of any great political machine that tried to elect their candidate: they were elected by Americans alarmed at unchecked government spending, alarmed that America might spend its way into 3rd world credit status. I'd say that reflects a hell of a lot more understanding of the situation than you apparently have.

That AAA debt rating is in jeopardy precisely because of the reckless and profligate spending that your Party proposes. Your colleagues yammer on about jobs and how cuts will affect jobs: your party spent over a trillion dollars on jobs and economy and unemployment has gone up.  Fanciful statements of how many jobs you created or saved would be like me claiming royal connections. Lies or at best completely unsubstantiated, by any measure.  To preserve the AAA rating we need to show that we do not spend more than we can earn. You need to balance the books.

Tyrants ... doing what they were elected to do.  Why is it the left always feels that they can slander and make abusive statements about people who disagree with them? Biden called the 87 arsonists.  What?

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