Saturday, August 6, 2011

Still dont get it

The Treasury "slammed" S&P's decision to down grade U.S. debt yesterday -- because there was a $2 trillion difference in their calculations. You see, the U.S. Treasury thought that a national debt of $20 trillion by 2020 was significantly different than a debt of $22 trillion.  S&P thought that the difference was irrelevant to the downgrade.

It shows that the Treasury -- it is part of the Administrative Branch and hence reports to Comrade Barry  -- still does not "get it." Nor does Barry or anyone else in the Democratic Party as well as the bulk of Republicans (just as stupid).  It is not about the debt ceiling, folks, or even the childish way it was fought over. IT IS ABOUT SPENDING. Or more specifically, spending money we don't have and likely never will.

It is about the idiocy that passes for politics in Washington. S&P made it clear that they were looking for about $4 trillion in spending cuts -- and a clear path to a balanced budget. Washington made it clear that they are concerned about votes and couldn't give a fig about fiscal prudence.

And before you liberal morons start talking about the need to raise taxes again, that is NOT the issue. It is about the ability to run a healthy economy. If you tax, tax, tax with absolutely no vision to cut spending, you can never retire your debt, and given your playbook, likely will merely spend the extra monies raised. Did a Democrat ever meet a spending program they did not like?  All taxes will do in this environment is stifle whatever economic growth we might be able to eke out. Taxes kill growth -- this is a rather easy lesson to learn. Always have and always will, since the beginning of human monetary history. Why Larry Summers or Tim Geithner (and Comrade Barry) think that they would somehow have the magic fingers to effect a different result mystifies me.  All evidence to the contrary: they have blown a trillion dollars with precious little success. And it is their vaunted health program that is the single greatest contributor to the future debt. Only followed by social security -- which was raided long ago by liberal pirates leaving an IOU.

And we also know that any fiscal sanity has to involve the expedient of shutting off the flow of funds to non-American citizens.  Which political party will have the fortitude to move ahead with that? We already know the Dems want to open the doors wide to anyone that can hoof it across our borders and make citizens (actually read that as Democrat voters) of every illegal already here.  This is not going to help things. 

Harry Reid's $3 trillion in spending cuts through projected savings by ceasing spending in Afghanistan and Iraq is just as much of a joke as Comrade Barry's savings projected by the elimination of waste and fraud in Medicare/Medicaid.  Can you imaging Eric Holder's Justice Dept. going after minority welfare cheats? Neither can I. This a man who declines to prosecute Black Panthers filmed intimidating voters on election day. Not likely.  What about hundreds of minority youth running rampant attacking white people in Wisconsin (of all places)? Any likely movement on getting to the bottom of that hate crime?  The point is, there is ZERO chance that this Administration will ever get serious about their job.

And that is why S&P were entirely correct in downgrading us.

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