Friday, April 29, 2011

Wedding Day Special

William and Kate got married today. Lovely.

Next on the list of items to cover: Obama's "birth certificate."

Up to a few days ago, I'd have said "the Certificate of Live Birth" that he came up with would just have to do, so shut up and let's get on with it. I have felt all along that the real "meat" in any attempt to dislodge this guy as an imposter was through his college records: by all anecdotal evidence, his applications to Occidental College and for financial aid were as a "foreign student."Remember, Obama was entitled to a British passport through his father and possibly an Indonesian passport through his step-father.

If he was to have applied for aid (from the Federal Government) as a foreign student, that -- for all intents and purposes -- should settle matters as to his citizenship. Taking money from the taxpayers as a foreigner is or should be dispositive in renouncing your citizenship. Showing all the indicia that he considers himself to be non-American must have precisely that effect.

So, Barry ... let's see those records that you have so carefully sealed for all these years, and that EVERY American President to date has released. And your Columbia U. records, too. Let's see your genius in the shape of grades.

The birth certificate ... remember too, they bought that crap dug up by CBS purporting to "prove" Bush's service record ... done with Microsoft word and a laser printer (if I have to explain why that cannot be to you, please enter "" in your browser and leave this blog).  Let me just point out a few "glaring" problems -- at least circulating on the web (you can make up your own mind as to how "glaring"):

(1).  The serial number is after the number of a woman (and twin brother) born a day later (who somehow marched down to authorities in Hawaii and pulled her own certificate without much trouble). And her certificate  was processed after his. This one is tough to figure. Bureaucracy, maybe.
(2).  The typeface throughout the document is inconsistent. But then again ... remember using a typewriter? Not the greatest instrument.
(3).  There is no seal. There should be a seal, I think and some fancy border.
(4).  There are strange and inscrutable pencil markings all over it (from a document held securely by Hawaiian authorities?) Why? But then again, why not?
(5).  Father's race as "African." Anybody who was in America at the time can tell you that the word used in polite company was "Negro." Or even "colored." Perhaps even "black." But not "African." That document was filled in by a clerk in Hawaii, not by a professor of diversity. It corresponds with the first Certificate of Live Birth produced in 2009.  But is it correct? This does not seem right to me. But perhaps Obama Sr. or Mum gave "African" as a political gesture.  
(6).  "Kenya, East Africa" did not exist in 1961. "Kenya" was colony in "British East Africa." After 1963, this place was called "Dominion of Kenya." After 1964, it was and is called "Republic of Kenya."  OK, this one seems pretty clear. But didn't everyone always call it "Kenya?" After Jomo Kenyatta, the first President?Huh? 
(7). Kauikeolani Children's Hospital was the actual name of the place where he was ostensibly born in 1961. It was only in 1978 that it merged with the Kapiolani Maternity Home to become what is listed on the document. But that does not explain how the two birth certificates listed above which cause the numbering problem also use the Kapiolani name.... Unless they are fakes, too?
(8). Use of photoshop software reveals that the document was constructed in "layers." An original or color photocopy does not have "layers."But I am told that Photoshop does this as part of its system.

So what gives? If only the media would take its collective head out of its rectum and have a closer look.

And meanwhile an officer is sitting in a cell in Leavenworth for failing to follow orders -- because he believes our Commander-in-Chief to be other that he says he is.

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